Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Wow where did the month go? Well this will be short for now.. Just wanted to fly in and say I hope everyone has a good one!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Ok who has them and who is addicted to them?Me -Me -Me-
I have to admit I love love love here I am a grown women and playing with a virtual reality pet...It is a stress relevier for me I think and just fun. I love to buy things and make new rooms....My little critter is a Cheeky Monkey named Otis! My friend Sherry bought it for the daycare but I am the one who plays with him mainly. I have one little girl who love to play but that is about all. When school is out on break then the older ones will be here to play and Otis will get a work out...Now for these games--I have to say there is some for everyone one.. Cash Cow 2 is my favorite. Smooth Moves not bad either. I go for the ones I make the most money on. I got my DD hooked she now has a Black Bear and GD has 3 now. Between DD and I --we make sure all of GD gets the freebies they offer.... well I could go on and on like I havn't I am off like a pair of dirty socks......


Well yesterday was my grandaughters 12th birthday.It really is hard to believe she is 12 already.Time goes so fast these days. I can remember my mom saying this and wonder what she I know! She got her hair cut in a Symetrical Bob...they described it but I am waiting for the photos...sound cute and she is getting older. I wish I could of kept her small. She so loved to cuddle and give kisses then. her presents was a few Webkinz (I will post about my addiction to them later) a movie and clothes and a WII game oh and EASY MONEY (money you get for a holiday or
birthday that can be spent for fun).....I won't get to see her till right after Christmas (1 week). I do miss her sooooooooooooo much. It seems I am missing alot of her growing up by living so far is a 20 hour round trip to go get her..with the high price of air fare we don't do that anymore--so we drive......I miss her soccer games--school and church plays and just seeing her grow up....ok that is enough boo hoo sad face here.....but it is SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN when I do get to see her so I will live for those for now I will say


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Won A Big Cricut Expression!!!!

Ok I havn't been here for awhile so I guess it is time to ramble for awhile. The best thing that happened is I won a Big Bug!!! yep can you believe it? Me little ol me that never wins anything.... I was so excited and happy I almost peed my pants...I said almost! My friend Kathi from the boards taked me into entering The Scrap Pink Weekend contest....I wasn't to sure because my layouts are simple alot of the time and I don't even come close to the really GREAT Layouts the ladies do on the boards...but I gave it a try and the money went for a very great cause...that is what really least to me. The prizes would bethe topping of the cake....
Well I worked hard all weekend and posted and uploaded (which I hate to do) to the right places. the games was fun to play and all the ladies was great... The design team members had us doing some very interesting and fun layouts and projects..except I have come to realize I will be buying my bows and NOT making them....lets just say mine was sad! Very Sad looking..... My pie slice box was ok but I don't alter alot of things but I gave it my best and when I found out I had won.. I was one excited cookie!!! My Dh came into the room to see what was the matter....He just laughed and said do I need to build a shelf for it?

Now the next thing that was really fun was I found out the sex of my second grandchild.......A GIRL.............. so now I will have 2 girls to spoil rotten but hey isn't that what grammas are least that is what my mom did to my kids....I just wish she was here to see this one but she has been gone for 9 years now.....I do miss her so...I find my DD doing and talking to me the way I use to my mom and it brings back so many memories but they are good ones!

ok i have some patterns and I will try and get them on here soon if I don't get lost again....
so till later


Friday, October 24, 2008

What Month Is It?

Ok --so I am finding out I am a bad blogger.. it has been awhile. Where do I start. I think I will ck back in tonight when I have more time to blog about some don't give up on me..